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Image by S Migaj
Image by Wilhelm Gunkel

Emotional Conflict

Here are some ways it can look:


When you get emotionally hijacked, you feel overwhelmed and unable to think clearly. Conflict resolution will help you organize your thoughts and emotions (not bury them), so that you can reorganize your experiences productively and get on with your life.

Couples & Families

When your dynamics as a couple have shifted to where any conversation can lead to an  argument, the feelings of dread and hopelessness begin to overtake you. Handling emotional conflict allows you to retake control of your life.

Groups & Teams

Prolonged or repetition of behavior from colleagues or team members make it impossible o leave your emotions at the door. Conflict resolution helps clear the residue of established patterns and reestablishes productive relationship.

Emotional Conflict

You are experiencing Emotional Conflict when your feelings overtake your ability to think clearly, act rationally, or perform productively. Emotional conflict comes from our expectations and our relationship with relationships.


Here are things I can help you with: 


Dealing with Conflict - Tools for Couples

Relationship Assessment

Why Do We Fight So Much?

Resolve Dating Conflict

Get Clear About Children

I Feel So Alone in My Relationship

Regain Your Physical Connection

When you feel confused about what is happening or how to interpret something, the emotions and confusion can be overwhelming. Are you overreacting or is this a valid compliant? High emotions can inform you about a relationship, but they can also inhibit your ability to think clearly or rationally and behave productively. Get clear on what is happening in your relationship. Find out what is going on, if this is situation that is healthy for you, and how you can move forward.

Beyond the feel of the words we use, healthy communication also involves making a clear message. Each of us has natural variations in how we go about getting what we want. This service looks at the astrology and personal examples of each person thinks and communicates. It clarifies the disconnect so you can maintains your loving connection.

When you are dating and having conflict, counseling may not feel right. Conflict resolution gives couples a neutral perspective to voice things separately or together, and see where they stand. Issues my be resolved, or issues could indicate a larger problem. But you will know, and be able to make the decision of whether  or how to move forward.

Not everyone is destined to be a parent. Social conditioning, family pressures, and gender expectations suggest the "right" answer about having children, but is it right for you? The answer can be yes or no. This service allows you to to talk it over with an unbiased third party and get clear on whether the reality of children is the best choice for your life.

Connection is the reason you are with someone, but what happens when you no longer feel it, or feel like you fend for yourself emotionally. What can you do? I can offer you emotional comfort and hear your feelings in their entirely. We will then find you clarity on what direction you want to take - if it is healthy to stay where you are or what can be done to make the situation improve? However that looks, I will help you find the answer. 

Conflict is the primarily reason couples abandon their sex life (even though your partner may say they are too tired or stressed). I help you restore intimacy by finding your hidden conflict, and explaining parts of your Vedic astrology birth chart to explain the internal processes each of you is going through. Rather than keep you separated, your conflict can be leveraged for greater intimacy.

Dealing with Conflict - Tools for Families & Teams

Reconnecting after Conflict or Long-Term Estrangement

Setting & Keeping  Boundaries

Conflict Facilitation or Intervention

Keeping the Spark Alive

After a period of time you may want to reconnect with someone, with who you parted over tense circumstances. The way you approach another person after conflict or separation is a delicate endeavor. How you invite someone back into your life can determine whether or not the person is accepts your invitation. I help you through each step of the process, including discussion at every step to make sure reconnection is healthy. 

Enmeshment is a common form of hidden conflict among friend groups, professional colleagues, and family circles. Boundaries are a difficult subject, and something many people never had and do not even understand. I can help you by hearing the conflict, delineating different forms of boundaries, and create a realistic plan to implement your boundaries and communicate them firmly and respectfully to others, and planning for when boundaries are violated. 

Addressing a sensitive topic or presenting the shared perspective of a group to an individual can feel overwhelming on all ends. When you are personally involved or your own life has been affected, emotions run high and that dynamic inhibits your ability to think rationally and behave productivity. I can help you create a detailed yet easy-to-follow plan that allows everyone to maintain focus on the loved one they are trying to help. 

Even in situations where we care deeply for the other person, subtle habits creep in and disturb the healthy balance you began your relationship with. I help you identify the behaviors and tendencies that are damaging your relationship and causing discord. I work with you to find actionable ways to redirect your attention and energy back into the relationship based on your lifestyle and preferences. 

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