What I Used to Do
The first part of my life was spent in conflict situations, understanding the drivers of violence and conflict. Now I reverse those principles in order to help individuals, couples, and teams identify and resolve inner conflict.
What informs my experience:
Political Campaigns
Strategic Messaging
Press Relations
Narrative Control
Litigation Positioning
I began my communications work in the Pennsylvania Governor's office of Press, Scheduling, and Advance. My experience includes ten years of political campaigning, fundraising, strategic messaging, and press relations. Based on that experience, I have assisted private clients, attorneys, and businesses with their message development, internal control of information, and external control of narrative, especially in times of extreme stress. When working with clients, I remain available to clients to talk out their fears and frustration to ensure no mistakes are made, especially in the immediate 48 hours following a crisis, when emotions are most volatile, and results are most crucial.
Sexual Conduct
Risk & Exposure
Policy Adjustment
Internal Compliance
Private Education
I facilitate public and private discussions on sensitive topics including workplace bullying, abusive relationships spiritual experiences, inequality, gender violence, homophobia, and other related topics. I also consult on these issues. Currently I also incorporate supplemental intuitive methodologies into my work, which although relatively unknown, are highly effective as additional sources of assessment and intelligence gathering. These modalities and more will be featured in my peer-reviewed volume Natural Healing as Conflict Resolution (IGI Global, 2020).
Human Trafficking
Child Soldiers
Post-War Recovery
Tribal Engagement
Donor Engagement
My work in the philanthropic field explored human trafficking in India, Europe, and the United States. Prior to that, I worked to counter post-war communal violence in West Africa through traditional tribal engagement and indigenous healing traditions. My other areas of focus have been former child soldier reintegration, genocide prevention, and countering violent extremism. I served as a consultant to nonprofit organizations and philanthropic foundations and published on issues of donor engagement and sustainable development.
Conflict Negotiating
Soft Power
Non-Lethal Tactics
Indigenous Systems
Psychological Tactics
I have spent over two decades engaged in indigenous and contemporary systems of conflict resolution, ranging from West African Palaver to FBI armed hostage negotiating, and apply this knowledge to the private sector. I serve in the capacity of Senior Scientist at a human security company that creates curriculum material and provides instruction to pre-deployment Green Berets at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School and Center. The purpose is to inform on the use of nonlethal soft power tactics to augment Psychological Operations and Civil-Military Affairs.
Gender Inequity
Violence Intervention
GLBTQ Issues
Workplace Bullying
Intuitive Methods
I facilitate public and private discussions on sensitive topics including workplace bullying, abusive relationships spiritual experiences, inequality, gender violence, homophobia, and other related topics. I also consult on these issues. Currently I also incorporate supplemental intuitive methodologies into my work, which although relatively unknown, are highly effective as additional sources of assessment and intelligence gathering. These modalities and more will be featured in my peer-reviewed volume Natural Healing as Conflict Resolution (IGI Global, 2020).
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