Mental Conflict
Here are some ways it can look:
Your mind keeps racing, weighing things out. Your thoughts are taking up too much time and affecting your productivity. You feel trapped in your head.
Couples & Families
You feel stuck. Your conversations have become repetitive. You are out of ideas about how to approach the subject. You do not see a way forward.
Groups & Teams
Your meetings have become echo chambers. You need new thoughts, fresh ideas, and more useful ways to approach discussion. The problems persist, but nobody will take action to set things right.
Mental Conflict
We experience Mental Conflict when navigating situations like power imbalance, cultural differences, or creative stagnation.
Mental conflict comes from external sources, from things beyond our control, from our own mental constructs, and from honest effort that is not being reciprocated..
These are things I can help you with:
Dealing with Conflict - Tools for Individuals
Neutral Assessment
Special Situations
Empathetic Listening
Mental Turmoil
Personal Crisis Support
Neutral Assessments are useful when you have exhausted regular channels of advice or need privacy to voice your thoughts openly. A single session often brings clients to decision by use of unconventional yet systematic inquiry, and the ability explore options without judgement or bias. In this space you also become aware of flaws in your own reasoning. Neutral Assessment orients you in the problem and discuss various ways to proceed.
Sometimes life hands us circumstances for which we have no precedence, and so do not know how to move forward. This service offers you support in such unprecedented circumstances. You may also be under a time constraint, adding pressure to an already tenuous situation. A conflict perspective can help you organize the scenario so you know the next move, and have clarity on what the situations looks like.
Sometimes you just need to say it out loud. This confidential service offers a skilled listening ear that offers full support and does not offer input, judgement, or advice. Work through you situation and let the answers emerge that are on the edge of your conscious mind.
Personal life does not stop when we go to work, and can we cannot always leave our emotions at the door. Mental Turmoil occupies the mental space that we need to work productively. This is a service you can use to speak freely and clear you mind, so you can get on with your day.
Pre-Negotiating is effective when you are dealing with another party who is not "coming to the table" and you need to devise a strategy on your own. We will comb through through each step of your situation and plan your best possible strategy, tactics, and direction. During this process you may come to satisfying resolution yourself, and may no longer need to include the other party. Whatever you decide, you will be very clear on what you are doing and how to move forward.
This service is available on-site or remotely. Personal Crisis heightens our emotions. During crisis, what you say often leaves a lasting mark on your reputation. To ensure no missteps are taken during this critical time, I remain available to talk you through the uncertainly and frustration.