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Relaxing Candles

Cross-Cultural Healing Modalities

There is no single solution for resolving inner conflict. What you need from the situation is different than what someone else would need, so I use adapted cross-cultural methods. Making a plan specific to you is crucial because you are unique, your sources of conflict are unique, and your path to peace and success is unique.


A single session might include practices from western law enforcement (tactical negotiation), theater-based techniques (kinetic learning), or ancient India (infused spirituality). 


My Methodology is based on my unique combination of cognitive, emotional, and instinctive intelligence, giving you a broader access to a range of answers and solutions.

I help you look at your conflict from mental, emotional, and spiritual angles you never considered.


When you identify and understand the complex layers and sources of your patterns and relationships, you are not only set free from your conflict, but you can also learn and grow from it. Working with me, so you will access to a range of tools and resolve conflict within yourself and conflict with others.

Image by S Migaj
Image by Evie S.

Despite our best efforts, sometimes the answers we seek cannot be not found in the physical world. Spiritual communication shows you the higher purpose of your life. Having a spiritual service is itself a profound experience. But it is also practical. You gain insight needed to walk your path, and establish solid steps to move forward in your purpose.


These services also referred to as mediumship, intuitive, or psychic communication. These services are not for everyone, nor are they for entertainment. Please feel free to inquire should you wonder what service would be right for you, or if these services would be right for you.

The struggles in your life have meaning. Using your Vedic Nakshatras, I map your hidden processes and explain what role your experiences play in your personal development.


Based on your own unique paths, you have specific inner conflict, talents, preferences, instincts. and motivations. These drive your life, your work, and your relationships. They make up your soul's path expressed on earth.


Gaining clarity about your inner plane allows you to see where you are struggling, what your life is about, and where your potential lies. You can also understand what you are learning through your relationships, life struggles, and inner battles - and see how to use those experiences productively.

Cosmic Swirl
Spa Treatment

Sometimes there are no words. All you need is relief.



When the body is unbalanced.

​When the mind is distressed.

When the spirit is oppressed.

~ When dis-ease occurs, according to Ayurvedic wisdom



Ayurveda Treatments expel mental, physical, and emotional toxins. Ayurveda is ancient Indian medicine that focuses on the inter-relatedness of mind, body, and spirit. sister sciences to Ayurveda are Yoga and Vedic Astrology (Mind – Body – Spirit).

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